Best qualification and further training are most important for CheckWell and are the basis to provide you with a comprehensive portfolio.

The business manager of CheckWell, Mag. Karin Pargfrieder graduated in Business Informatics at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz. She took a full-time 4-term course at HTL I in Linz, Goethestraße to become a qualified graphic designer, and since 2010 she is also certified as professional photographer. From 2017/18 she completed further training as certified childrens health trainer with a specialization in media education and related courses in sports and dance education.

After five years of professional experience as graphic designer, software engineer and IT-organizer, she founded CheckWell in 2008. The areas of activity initially were graphic design and the publication of the CheckWell Guide. From 2016 also providing full-service for in-house rental keeps her busy, and after two more years in the software industry the range of offered services was extended to IT.

CheckWell offers to help you with your projects, providing external expertise as well as working practically.
Reliability, accuracy and promises you can count on are leading principles, and high awareness of the necessary confidence of sensitive data was given already long before a GDPR. With flexibility and a clear focus on necessary and reasonable activities also large projects could always be completed on time respectively well ahead of necessary deadlines.

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CheckWell KG, Landstr. 70, A-4020 Linz